Annual Scholarship Celebration: Lia Savage describes how scholarships made her education possible. »
Deliver The Gift Of Education
Annual Scholarship Celebration: Lia Savage describes how scholarships made her education possible.
Help students achieve their dreams
Scholarships are changing the lives Shockers today and for generations to come by providing much needed financial support to combat rising education costs. Your gift of a current or endowed scholarship can make all the difference.
A group of WSU first-generation students gather in Rhatigan Student Center.
How to give to scholarships
When you establish a scholarship, you designate what it will be used for. These can designate need-based applications, specify academic areas or programs, or even support students with particular backgrounds. Whatever you choose, we’ll be with you to make recommendations to maximize your impact.
WSU students who receive scholarships are encouraged to participate in events held during Grati-WU Week, hosted by the WSU Foundation. By writing a note of gratitude and sharing a bit about their educational journey, students help demonstrate the tremendous impact their scholarship makes.