Bay Area event will bring Shockers together

Wichita State alumni, friends and guests who live in northern California are invited to a casual social event on May 21 that will give them a chance to network and share their WSU memories.
The WSU Foundation will host the gathering from 6 to 8 p.m. at Puesto Mexican Artisan Kitchen, 2752 Augustine Drive, Suite 110, in Santa Clara. Remarks will be at 7 p.m., with an update on the Shock the World Campaign and university news of interest. Refreshments will be served.
Register for the event by May 9 at foundation.wichita.edu/santaclara. Questions may be emailed to donor.relations@wichita.edu. Or call 316.978.7441.
This is the seventh regional event hosted by the WSU Foundation this fiscal year to give alumni a chance to mix and mingle. Others have been in Kansas City, Dallas, Phoenix and Denver. More regional events are planned for the coming year.