Bay Area event will bring Shockers together

WSU is coming to California

Wichita State alumni, friends and guests who live in northern California are invited to a casual social event on May 21 that will give them a chance to network and share their WSU memories.

The WSU Foundation will host the gathering from 6 to 8 p.m. at Puesto Mexican Artisan Kitchen, 2752 Augustine Drive, Suite 110, in Santa Clara. Remarks will be at 7 p.m., with an update on the Shock the World Campaign and university news of interest. Refreshments will be served.

Register for the event by May 9 at Questions may be emailed to Or call 316.978.7441.

This is the seventh regional event hosted by the WSU Foundation this fiscal year to give alumni a chance to mix and mingle. Others have been in Kansas City, Dallas, Phoenix and Denver. More regional events are planned for the coming year.

WSU Foundation and Alumni Engagement News Releases

News Releases Contacts

Welcome to our news feed. Here you’ll find the latest publications from the WSU Foundation and Alumni Engagement. For additional information and any media questions, please reach out to our media relations team.

Director of Communications – Alumni
Connie Kachel White | | 316-978-3835

Director of Marketing – Foundation
Emily Mullins | | 316-978-3407