College of Health Professions

College of Health Professions

The College of Health Professions at Wichita State University is a valuable resource for improving the health and wellness of the region. The college has earned a reputation of excellence through its experiential applied learning opportunities, strategic collaboration across disciplines and commitment to providing quality, affordable healthcare to the community.  

The premier education offered in the College of Health Professions is enhanced by support of the College of Health Professions Shocker Fund, which provides unrestricted funding to areas of need, including applied learning opportunities, networking and mentorship, and community projects.  

Another great way to support the college is by supporting the college’s need-based scholarships. Far more students apply for financial aid each year than WSU has resources to help. This fund will help us reach more students. 

Your generosity makes a difference! 

What's happening at the College of Health Professions

By the numbers

45 – Number of states in which CHP has clinical affiliations.
18 – Months to complete the accelerated nursing program.
20+ – Health professions programs offered through the CHP.

Greg Hand, Dean

“The College of Health Professions is proud to be on the leading edge of healthcare education. Our innovative programs ensure students are prepared to succeed in the rapidly changing healthcare field and meet our region’s healthcare needs.”

Want to make a major impact?

Our Associate VP of Development, Ted Kimble, can help connect your passions with opportunities to make a difference. Reach him at

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