Our team connects industry partners with the brightest minds at Wichita State University. Our goal is to help you uncover challenges and assemble the best team to get the results you need. Working with Wichita State means you have a partner. And as your partner, we know your business isn’t like any other. That’s why we are proud to offer so many ways to work together. From research and student talent to philanthropic opportunities and workforce development, Wichita State has the tools to build a relationship that is meaningful and one of a kind.
Strategic gifts to Wichita State are the best way to get your name in front of our students and your future talent. This is how it can work for both of us:
As the Innovation Campus takes shape, now is an opportune time to collaborate with Wichita State University. By moving onto our Innovation Campus, private enterprises can draw on the technical expertise of WSU faculty and researchers to develop innovative solutions to spur growth and productivity. By engaging students, you’ll be developing your future workforce pipeline. Providing experiential learning opportunities through internships and hands-on research projects strengthens the connection between our students and our partnering companies.