The primary mission of the Donor Compliance Services unit of the WSUFAE is to “Develop and enhance control processes and reporting mechanisms to monitor private gift expenditures and demonstrate fulfillment of donor intent”.
To attain this mission, we have the following goals:
As part of our efforts, Donor Compliance Services has in place various procedures and processes that allow us to review activity on almost 2,300 active fund accounts, of which about 1,300 are dedicated to hold endowed gifts and more than 800 are for current expendable purposes.
Reviewing the almost 2,300 active fund accounts include determining whether they have low or no spending, have very low balances, are overspent, or have other concerns about the use of funds. These reviews are reported to the Provost, VP of Student Affairs, Academic Deans, and other Unit leaders using the following schedule:
Aug – Sept: Faculty and Faculty Support accounts
Nov – Jan: Scholarship and Student Support accounts
June – July: Miscellaneous, General Support and other accounts