
Investing in top faculty

Chemistry Professor Moriah Beck in her lab with Vinay Kadarla, a graduate student pursuing his Ph.D.

Chemistry Professor Moriah Beck in her lab with Vinay Kadarla, a graduate student pursuing his Ph.D.

Educators like Moriah Beck make WSU stronger

Associate professor Moriah Beck has taught hundreds of WSU students in her biochemistry classes and lab over the past seven and a half years. A talented researcher, she currently is the recipient of a $415,340 research grant from the National Institutes of Health.

Beck is highly regarded for her efforts to involve undergraduate students in research projects. She is spearheading the new First-Year Research Experience (FYRE) that pairs freshmen in different disciplines with WSU faculty members to complete research projects.

“There is a strong emphasis at Wichita State for students to have applied learning experiences such as internships,” Beck says. “I see these research projects as being every bit as beneficial to our students.”

More about Moriah Beck

Education: Bachelor’s degree from Eastern Kentucky University; Ph.D. from Washington University in St. Louis, Mo.

Research interests: Structural and function of proteins involved in cardiomyopathy and cancer cell metastasis

Recognition: Nominated this year for the WSU Faculty Research Award; named last year as a Cohen Honors Faculty Fellow for her research work with students; Young Scientist Program Leadership Award in 2016

Community service: Organizes the annual Expanding Your Horizons workshop for middle school girls to participate in hands-on activities in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

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Director of Communications – Alumni
Connie Kachel White | connie.white@wichita.edu | 316-978-3835

Director of Communications – Foundation
Emily Mullins | emily.mullins@wichita.edu | 316-978-3407