
Life-long Shocker celebrates 100 years of WSU pride

Mickey Armstrong 100th Birthday

Mildred “Mickey” (McCoy) Armstrong ’45 celebrated her 100th birthday on Dec. 24, 2023. An English language and literature graduate of the University of Wichita (WU), Armstrong, along with her late husband Pete ’42, has been a stalwart supporter of just about every facet of civic and community life in Wichita, especially higher education and the arts.

As a student at WU, Armstrong (then McCoy) was extraordinarily active on campus. A member of the Student Government Association and the WU Spirit Squad, she seemed to be involved in everything – taking modern dance classes, performing in theater productions and minoring in history and secretarial science. After graduation, she worked as secretary for the McCormick-Armstrong printing company, of which her husband would become chairman and principal owner. She then returned to her alma mater to work as the university’s second alumni secretary. Her main responsibility was gathering basic information on WU graduates.

Recalling those early days of alumni data-collection, she describes the process this way: “We worked by guess and by golly. The records from the registrar were sent over to the president’s secretary. We’d have a name and we’d try the phone book. Did someone know them? Did they work at WU? Did they go to war?” Somehow, she’s proud to say, alumni records were made. Plus, she remembers, a monthly newsletter was sent out and, among her other duties, football, baseball and theater tickets were sold and tracked.

Over the years, Armstrong has worked with the Junior League, the Women’s Campaign for United Way and the Wichita Art Museum, and was active in the Women’s Symphony. She is a supporter of Wichita Grand Opera and WSU’s Ulrich Art Museum, and has been a board member of Music Theatre of Wichita and the Wichita Historical Museum. She has also been active in church groups and is a member of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Wichita. As proud graduates and lifelong supporters of Wichita State, Mickey and Pete chaired a number of projects and fundraising campaigns, including the three-year Campaign for Students, which topped its goal of $10 million with $11.2 million in 1996. The couple, who have four daughters, also established three scholarships, one of which is the Mildred “Mickey” (McCoy) Armstrong Endowed Excellence in Fine Arts Scholarship. In recognition of their service and support of WSU, the couple were recognized with the Fairmount Founders Award in 1991.

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Director of Communications – Alumni
Connie Kachel White | connie.white@wichita.edu | 316-978-3835

Director of Communications – Foundation
Emily Mullins | emily.mullins@wichita.edu | 316-978-3407