Shelli Herman ’88 commits $100,000 to Shocker Success Center

Shelli Herman
When she heard about the Shocker Success Center, Shelli Herman knew almost instantly it was a project worthy of her support. Successfully navigating four years of college, she knows, is about far more than just showing up for class.
“To me, the Shocker Success Center is the kind of place that will create a holistic experience for students who have specific needs,” says Herman, who graduated from Wichita State in 1988 “It’s very much about helping students be successful both in and outside of the classroom.”
Herman has pledged a gift of $100,000 to the campaign to raise private funds to help renovate Clinton Hall and consolidate 15 different student services in the transformed facility. Sitting in the heart of campus, the new Shocker Success Center will offer a convenient, updated location for services now scattered across campus.
In honor of her gift, a naming opportunity in the new facility was extended to Herman. She chose the Shocker Locker, which provides free food and other household items to students. Food insecurity and homelessness are issues Herman is passionate about and tries to help alleviate in her Los Angeles community.
“My agenda is really about creating a welcoming environment for any Shocker, regardless of their situation,” Herman says. “So for me, the Shocker Locker helps provide vital help for students who may have a unique need.”
Herman describes her own time at Wichita State as “a life-changing four years.” One of the highlights was co-chairing a group of students who sought to preserve the Homecoming tradition just a year after the WSU football program was eliminated. Many who were upset about the loss of football opposed the idea, but it prevailed and continues to this day.
“I’m the person I am today because of my incredible experience at Wichita State,” says Herman, who also gave back to her alma mater in 2017 when she endowed the Shelli Herman Leadership & Achievement Scholarship. “If I can do a small thing to enable others to have something similar, I’m so happy to do that.”
After graduation, Herman worked for several years in higher education administration, then transitioned into a career in executive search and recruitment. She founded her own Los Angeles based executive search firm, Shelli Herman and Associates, Inc. in 2011.
Outside of work, Herman is deeply committed to philanthropy and passionate about giving back, interests she shares with her husband, Dr. Stewart Gleischman.
“Everyone has the ability to give back, in time, talent, or treasure,” she says. “The most powerful thing we can do to uplift each other and our communities is to commit to making them better. My hope is that this very small gesture impacts someone in a meaningful way.”