Beverly Lefever Family Scholarship

Beverly Lefever became a single parent of seven children at the age of 35 when her husband died of cancer. Through determination and grit, she never let the lack of a college education deter her, successfully managing her career while raising her children. From her first job as bank teller and then as a book keeper, she continued to seek and obtain greater opportunities to eventually winning two successful election campaigns as a County Treasurer. She eventually retired after serving more than two decades in county government. Because of her life experiences, she always stressed the importance of education to her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. This fund was set up by her children to recognize her deep appreciation for the value of higher education.

WSU Foundation and Alumni Engagement News Releases

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Director of Communications – Alumni
Connie Kachel White | | 316-978-3835

Director of Communications – Foundation
Emily Mullins | | 316-978-3407