Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Sedgwick County Scholarship

In 1971, a group of concerned volunteers in Wichita began a program to help prevent young boys from getting into trouble with the law. A separate mentoring program for girls soon followed and by 1978, the two had merged to create Big Brothers Big Sisters of Sedgwick County. One of 500 agencies nationwide, the organization serves boys and girls considered high-risk and who live in single-parent homes. Thousands of young people achieve their full potential through long-term relationships with carefully screened and caring volunteers. There are many different volunteer programs, including intergenerational volunteers, couple and family matches: Mi Amigo, Kevin Easter Cops for Kids and High School Bigs. Each program is suited to assist those youth that might otherwise ‘fall through the cracks’ in our community.

The Sedgwick County organization has been recognized for its outstanding leadership and innovative programs. It was the only agency selected as a ‘teaching example’ at the President’s Summit on America’s Future in 1997.

In 1986, an anonymous contribution established the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Sedgwick County Scholarship at Wichita State University for those students who are participants in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program.

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Director of Communications – Alumni
Connie Kachel White | | 316-978-3835

Director of Communications – Foundation
Emily Mullins | | 316-978-3407