Bill Thomson Scholarship in Jazz

In 2006, Dr. John W. (Bill) Thomson retired as chair of the College of Fine Arts School of Music after nearly 40 years at WSU. He dedicated his career to teaching and performing as a self-taught jazz pianist. Dr. Thomson was the director of musicology and composition in the School of Music for eight years, and taught in that area for most of his time at WSU. Additionally, he worked as a charter member of the Hillside Blues Faculty Jazz Quartet with faculty and staff to initiate and implement the first jazz studies program in the School of Music.

Dr. Thomson received his bachelor’s in 1963 and his master’s in 1965, both from WSU and both in music. He earned his Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

The Bill Thomson Scholarship in Jazz was established with donations from friends and family to honor his retirement. It is awarded to a full-time student in the jazz studies program. The recipient is chosen by audition and recommendations are made by the director of jazz studies.

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