George Van Riper Fellowship in Public Finance

Mr. George Van Riper was a ‘naturalized’ Kansan who gave much to his adopted state. He was active in politics, business and community, and he was a life long student of liberal arts. Mr. Van Riper strived to be a renaissance man, involved with vigorous activity along literary, artistic and cultural lines.

Mr. Van Riper worked in politics and government in New York State prior to moving to Kansas. He was on the staffs of the speaker of the New York State Assembly and Sen. Jacob Javits. Additionally, Mr. Van Riper managed a congressional campaign in up-state New York in 1976.

While returning from a business trip, Mr. Van Riper’s life ended in tragedy in an airplane crash near Wichita. He was a man who lived life to its fullest. He was a considerate gentleman, a sensitive person toward others, possessed of integrity, and he had a heart that kindled always with human warmth and concern for others.

Wichita State University established The George Van Riper Fellowship in Public Finance in his memory with contributions from friends and family. It is awarded to a graduate student in the field of public finance. The recipient is chosen by the director of the Hugo Wall School of Urban and Public Affairs.

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