W. Mack Barlow Endowed Scholarship in Chemistry

Lee David Underhill attended the University of Wichita in the early 1950s where he received both his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in chemistry. During his stay at the university, he met Mr. William Mack Barlow, a chemist working for the Foundation for Industrial Research located in McKinley Hall. After serving two years in the Army, he took a position with Boeing Airplane Company where he was mentored by Mr. Barlow. Eventually, Mr. Underhill left Boeing and moved to Florida to work with NASA. There, he stayed for 35 years until retiring from the role of lead chemist.

In the meantime, Mr. Barlow remained in contact with the Chemistry Department, attending many lectures and seminars. Despite receiving his Masters in Chemistry from the University of Kansas, Mr. Barlow found the professors of McKinley Hall to be very caring and friendly, influencing him to stay at the university. He was a laboratory teaching assistant following retirement and, in his will, remembered the chemistry library at WSU.

In light of an education that allowed him, ‘an interesting and productive career as a chemist Mr. Underhill established the W. Mack Barlow Endowed Scholarship in Chemistry. The scholarship honors Mr. Barlow’s long connection with the chemistry department and relationships with the faculty of McKinley Hall.

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