Wadsworth Family Student Athlete Scholarship

John and Gail Wadsworth are both 1979 graduates of Wichita State University with degrees in mechanical engineering and elementary education, respectively. They own Piping & Equipment Co., located in Wichita, and are avid Shocker fans. They enjoy following women’s volleyball, men’s and women’s basketball and the baseball team. Their daughters, Valerie and Kim, both attended Wichita State and played for the Shocker volleyball team. Mr. and Mrs. Wadsworth endowed this scholarship to support student-athletes studying in the WSU College of Engineering.

WSU Foundation and Alumni Engagement News Releases

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Director of Communications – Alumni
Connie Kachel White | connie.white@wichita.edu | 316-978-3835

Director of Communications – Foundation
Emily Mullins | emily.mullins@wichita.edu | 316-978-3407