Wichita Oil Secretaries Association Endowed Scholarship

The creation of this fund is intended to allow for permanent tributes to members and former members of the Wichita Oil Secretaries Association in recognition of their dedication and contribution to OSA and to the oil industry. It is also intended for memorials or tributes for friends and loved ones of members or former members of OSA. In September 1983, OSA bore the loss of four members, one of whom was D. Marjorie Mort, who was the epitome of OSA. She became a member of OSA in 1944, served as President in 1948, and was awarded the organization’s highest honor, Oil Secretary of the year in 1960. At the time of her death, she was actively employed and a very integral part of the organization. Henceforth, in memory of D. Marjorie Mort and other deceased members, this endowed fund will honor their dedication to their profession and their outstanding example to others.

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Director of Communications – Alumni
Connie Kachel White | connie.white@wichita.edu | 316-978-3835

Director of Communications – Foundation
Emily Mullins | emily.mullins@wichita.edu | 316-978-3407