William H. Isely Scholarship for Senior Honor Men

Dean William Isely, the first dean of Fairmount College, is credited with helping ensure the survival and growth of the struggling young college that would eventually become Wichita State University. His biographer, Mr. Arthur J. Hoare, said Mr. Isely was admired for his unflagging energy, uprightness, tact and perseverance.

Mr. Isely was born and raised in Brown County, Kan. He received his Master of Arts degree from Harvard and came to Wichita in 1894 to teach history, economics and science at the Fairmount Institute, which became a college in 1895. As a dean, he helped the president acquire money, buildings and faculty members.

Known for his active participation in the community, Mr. Isely served as a charter member and director of Wichita’s Chamber of Commerce and as a city council member among other roles. He was married to Frances Nickerson Isely. Mr. Isely passed away in 1907.

The William Isely Scholarship for Senior Honor Men was established in Mr. Isely’s honor by his son, Mr. Frank Isely, who said his father would have been very glad to receive such a check in the days when he was struggling to keep the college running.

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