Wilmer Freund Memorial Engineering Scholarship

After serving in World War II, Mr. Wilmer Freund completed his civil engineering degree and dedicated his professional engineering career to educating others in the field. More than 30 years ago, he started the ‘Young Engineer for a Day’ program, which pairs high school students with working engineers in and around Wichita. Its aim is to inspire and encourage youth for the profession.

Mr. Freund was active in the Wichita Professional Engineering Society and served on the WSU College of Engineering advisory board for several years. He regularly spoke with students about the engineering profession, always citing honesty and integrity as the cornerstones of success. For 30 years, he was the county engineer for Harper County. In addition to career endeavors, Mr. Freund took great pride in serving for 37 years on the Sedgwick County Conservation Board and was a mentor to many young engineers. He died in 2003.

His wife, Mrs. Mardella Fruend, established the Wilmer Freund Memorial Engineering Scholarship in his honor.

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Director of Communications – Alumni
Connie Kachel White | connie.white@wichita.edu | 316-978-3835

Director of Communications – Foundation
Emily Mullins | emily.mullins@wichita.edu | 316-978-3407