Spirit of the Gift

Turning dreams into reality with 1,200 endowed scholarships »

Spirit of the Gift

Turning dreams into reality with 1,200 endowed scholarships

Each gift tells a story

The Spirit of the Gift, our comprehensive catalog of our endowed scholarships, fellowships and non-scholarship funds, amplifies our donors’ individual voices. These biographical sketches share the intention, personal beliefs and philosophies, and inspirations behind each gift at Wichita State.

To explore this project, search for a particular gift or navigate through the pages. The gifts are arranged in alphabetical order.

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Charles and Helen Graves Scholarship

Charles and Nina Kirby Jones Scholarship in Biochemistry

Charles and Nina Kirby Jones Scholarship in Business

Charles and Nina Kirby Jones Scholarship in Speech Communication

Charles D. Peer Endowed Entrepreneurship Scholarship

Charles Drummond and Dorothy Grafly Drummond Fund

Charles E. and Gloria J. Russell Family Scholarship in International Business

Charles E. Rickman Endowed Memorial Scholarship

Charles ‘Ed’ Coon Endowed Business Scholarship

Charles G. Bair Endowed Engineering Scholarship

Charles G. Pearson Scholarship Fund

Charles Grafly Preservation and Archives/Dorothy Grafly and Charles Drummond

Charles L. Brungardt Endowed Scholarship

Charles Lindsley Music Endowed Scholarship

Charles M. Buess Chemistry/Business Scholarship

Charles R. Mayfield Scholarship

Charles Rossdutcher Scholarship in Accounting

Charles S. Evenson Endowed Scholarship

Charles ‘sunny’ and Lillian Gill Endowed Baseball Scholarship

Charles ‘sunny’ and Lillian Gill Endowed Basketball Scholarship

Charles ‘sunny’ and Lillian Gill Endowed Men’s Golf Scholarship

Charles ‘sunny’ and Lillian Gill Endowed Women’s Golf Scholarship

Charles Talbott Fund in Mathematics, Statistics and Physics

Charles W. & Margaret D. Mullikin Fellowship in Gerontology

Charlotte and Ken Lunt Distinguished Graduate Assistantship