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Notable news at the WSU Foundation

New staff members The WSU Foundation recently hired three new team members. Please welcome: Loretta Lundy Loretta Lundy Loretta has a high-profile position at the Foundation. As our receptionist, she…

Gift from Peri Widener will help develop global leaders, build new home for Barton School of Business

Saying she wants to help build a new generation of business leaders with a world view, Wichita State alumna Peri Widener has pledged $275,000 to her alma mater through the…

The Shocker Success Center tells students: Your success matters

…placed in one central location, under one roof.” To accomplish that, an initiative has been launched to transform Clinton Hall into a new Shocker Success Center, where 15 student services…

Notable news at the WSU Foundation

…work as the senior director of development for the W. Frank Barton School of Business has helped lead the school to its new home in Wayne and Kay Woolsey Hall….

Supporters of Shocker Success Center have a common goal: student success

…home to the W. Frank Barton School of Business. When the Barton School moves to its new building, Wayne and Kay Woolsey Hall, Clinton Hall will be renovated and repurposed…

Scholarships give Shockers the opportunity to be their best selves

When Jocelyn Stewart made the decision to attend college, she knew the financial responsibility would be hers alone, but she was determined to achieve a degree. She applied for scholarships…